Are You Having Trouble With Your New Covid-19 Related Exercise Routine?

Are You Having Trouble With Your New Covid-19 Related Exercise Routine? - Leading Edge Physiotherapy

Have you had a sudden change in your exercise routine with exercise class and gym closures due to COVID-19?



You may have given up on exercise and decided to sit on the couch, resulting in a sudden decrease in exercise load. Or you may have taken up jogging again after many years, or have started a new online exercise program, which is a sudden change or increase in exercise load.

For many of us, our regular exercise routine is what keeps us going. The release of endorphins and encephalins with exercise helps to keep us feeling good. Exercise relieves stress (and aren’t we all feeling some extra stress at the moment!) and assists with good mental health. Many people with chronic musculoskeletal problems are greatly assisted by a regular exercise regime.

With unsupervised “do it yourself” exercise there is the additional issue of potentially poor exercise technique and inappropriate exercise loads being put through the body increasing the risk of injury.

Giving up on exercise for a prolonged period is also not recommended. We need to make sure our bodies are fighting fit so we can come out of these difficult times in the best possible health condition.

Research shows that the human body is susceptible to injury from sudden increases or decreases in exercise load.

If you are having soreness due to your change in exercise routine the good news is we are still here to help you. We can still assess and manage your injuries and advise on the best exercise program to keep your body happily ticking along at this time. The COVID-19 alert recommendations state it is still ok to attend essential medical appointments such as Physiotherapy. Please be assured we are performing excellent hygiene practice to ensure your safety (and ours) when attending Leading Edge Physiotherapy.

We understand there are many preferring to self-isolate at the moment. We are still able to help you with our online VIRTUAL PHYSIO appointments. We can speak with you face to face, assess and advise you and devise an appropriate exercise program for you to perform at home.

Whilst COVID-19 is an unprecedented health issue for Australia it is still important to ensure the rest of our physical and mental health is looked after during these difficult times – Leading Edge Physiotherapy can help you.